It’s Spring, which means SPRING CLEANING. Cleaning in spring is a tradition for many people. But these days, most of us are working and spare time is very minimal, we only have very limited time to do the cleaning work. Cleaning tips and tricks are very popular at any time. This is the motivation for me to write this post. I will share my finds to help you get twice the result with half the effort.
1. Cleaning Range Hood Filter:
Clean your nasty oven-hood filter with boiling water and baking soda. Get the FULL TUTORIAL here:
2. Remove Baked-On Grease From a Cookie Sheet or Clean a Burnt Pot:
Working in the kitchen often encounters these problems – stained cookie sheets and burnt pots. A simple and practical idea from from One Good Thing By Jillee can help us solve this trouble. Mix the 1/8 cup Hydrogen Peroxide and 1/4 cup Baking Soda together into a paste and spread on the bottom of your pan. While wearing rubber gloves, treat the area and use a sponge. See the FULL TUTORIAL here: &
3. Clean Dirty Blinds:
Here is a simple way to clean blinds. Mix equal parts vinegar and warm water in a bowl. Then grab an old odd sock… See the tutorial here:
4. Clean Stove Burners Without Scrubbing:
You cook…oil, spills, drips and food particles…they get heated and reheated. It is a not so easy task to remove them. Thevspotblog has a genius way to clean them without using those arm muscles, just using ammonia and a large ziploc bag.
How to:
Take about 1/4 cup of ammonia and seal it up with one of the burners in a large ziploc bag. You only need a little ammonia in the bag. You are not trying to soak the burner… you just want to seal it up with the ammonia fumes.
Get The Instructions Here:
5. Freshen Your Towels and Remove That Mildew Stink:
In a poorly ventilated bathroom, your towels are prone to bad smells, like mildew stink. I’ve been reading a lot online lately about how vinegar and baking soda can take the STINK out of anything.
Wash your load of towels on the hot cycle and add 1 cup of vinegar to the load. Wash them again with hot water and 1/2 cup baking soda. Then dry them in the dryer. tips: “Do not use detergent … just hot water and the vinegar.”
Check out the full instructions here:
6. Clean Inside the Glass on an Oven Door:
The double pane window on your oven somehow manages to collect grime(baked-on food drippings and debris) over time and it seems hard to clean. But if you already happen to have a wire hanger, Windex wipes, and a few rubber bands handy, cleaning the double pane window will no longer be difficult. VIDEO instructions:
See the tutorial here: &
7. Keep The Air Conditioner Clean:
Dust, dirt and other debris can obstruct the air flow of your air conditioner, and hinder its ability to work. To avoid it, keep the fins clean. How to do? Get the full instructions here:
8. Cleaning Old Yellowed Pillows:
If your pillows have yellowed, it’s probably time to give them a good wanshing. Cleaning your bed pillows is simple to do and should be done at least every three months to ensure that they are rid of skin cells, oil and dust mites.
You’ll need:
- 1 cup of laundry detergent
- 1 cup powdered dishwasher detergent
- 1 cup bleach
- 1/2 cup borax
9. Use a Squeegee to Pick Up Pet Hair From Carpets and Couch:
It is a brilliant use of an old squeegee. Pet hairs are notoriously difficult to pick up in the vacuum cleaner, but you can use a squeegee and a few spritzes of water to pick up them, and then you can vacuum up the bigger pieces.
10. Remove Grease and Built-up Grime From Kitchen Cabinet:
When you take a close look at your cabinet doors, especially near the door handle, you will find grease and dirt accumulating there. To remove them, you only need a simple HOMEMADE CLEANER. It only requires two ingredients(1 part coconut oil + 2 parts baking soda). The important benefit is that using them to clean will not damage the surface. Check out the detailed instructions here:
11. Remove Hard Water Deposits From Stainless Steel Taps:
Hard water has a tendency to leave behind stains and mineral deposits. The first attempt to solve it usually is to buy those smelly abrasive cleaning products from the store, but the effect is very limited. The Thrifty Home had proposed a very good method that uses VINEGAR CLOTH to remove hard water deposits. Vinegar is cheap and non toxic. Image Source: See the detailed TUTORIAL here:
12. Clean Vacuum Filters in the Dishwasher:
Vacuum filters are extremely pricey, so instead of buying a new one to replace it, we recommend you clean it. Cleaning a vacuum filter in the dishwasher… Oh oh oh! This is definitely a crazy idea, but when I’ve found the tutorial from A girl and her needle, I believe it is feasible. Get the full instructions here:
13. Getting Mildew Out of the Shower:
Almost every bathroom has problems with mold, especially in a window-less bathroom. I found this awesome tip on how to easily get rid of it with just two simple items: bleach and cotton beauty coils, used for perms.
I cut a piece of the cotton coil, soaked it in bleach, and let it sit overnight on the mold.
Check the detailed instructions here:
14. Magical Carpet Cleaner:
With children, pets and those random spills and drips, our carpets can take quite a beating. Fortunately, there is a magical homemade cleaner(clear dishwashing liquid + white vinegar) that can help you clear them.
See the full instructions here:
15. Cleaning Your Blender:
To really get your blades clean, fill your blender with SOAP and warm water, then turn it on!
16. How to Clean Mattress with Baking Soda:
Dead skin cells, sweat, stains, dust mites can easily accumulate on your mattress, so it is necessary to clean your mattress regularly, especially if you have a dust allergy.
Supplies you need:
- 3 tablespoons baking soda
- 8 ounces hydrogen peroxide
- 1 drop dish soap
- a vacuum
1. vaccum the bed; 2. mix ingredients in spray bottle; 3. spray mixture on to bed and allow to sit until day; 4. once bed is completely dry vaccum; 5. enjoy your clean bed
17. Removing Scratches On Ceramic:
This is a tip for helping you to remove scratches on ceramic. You can apply the Liquid Bar Keepers Friend with a damp sponge and a little elbow grease on those common white ceramic, including plain white dishes covered in scratch marks from your silverware.
See the more details at:
18. Microwave Sponge to Kill 99% of Germs and Bacteria:
Just put sponges or plastic scrubbing pads in the microwave on high for two minutes and let it cool.
19. Get the Mold Out of Front-Loading Washer:
Have you noticed the mold in this position on the washing machine? Even if your washing machine has no smell, you must remove them. All you need is some bleach, water and a towel.
See how to do at:
20. No-Streak Window Cleaning:
Mom4real have a few secret cleaning tips that allow you to get streak-free windows.
Check out the full tutorial:
21. Updates Dull and Worn Hardwood Floors:
Easy DIY step to make laminate floors shine like new. Just simply poured some “QUICK SHINE” out on the floor and used a sponge mop to spread it all over.
Get the full instructions here: